Do You Know How To Use A Nebulizer?

Effective Method To Use And Clean A Nebulizer

Do You Know How To Use A Nebulizer?
 Do You Know How To Use A Nebulizer?

What Is Nebulizer

A nebulizer is a medication delivery machine that transforms liquid formulations and suspensions into aerosol or mist form so you can inhale or breathe it into your lungs. A nebulizer is a decent procedure to give asthma, cystic fibrosis, COPD, and other respiratory infections medication to little children or any person who encounters trouble using an inhaler.

Most of the nebulizers are small in size, so they are not difficult to transport. Likewise, most nebulizers work by utilizing air blowers/compressors. An alternate kind called an ultrasonic nebulizer, utilizes sound vibrations. This sort of nebulizer is soft but costs more.

Types Of Nebulizer

There are three main types of nebulizers, which are discussed below,

  1. Jet Nebulizer
  2. Ultrasonic Nebulizer
  3. Mesh Nebulizer

Jet Nebulizer

A jet nebulizer uses compressed gas to make a spray (little particles of drug noticeable all around). Jet nebulizers need 2 to 10 L/min of compressed gas to draw medicine up through a cylindrical tube from the nebulizer reservoir to create a wide scope of molecule estimates that are impacted into at least one baffle, which removes bigger particles from suspension and return them to the reservoir.

Jet nebulizers are compelling in administering drugs that cannot be administered with pressurized metered-portion inhalers (pMDIs) and dry powder inhalers (DPIs). For example, antibacterial agents, mucolytics, liposomal formulations, and recombinant items, like Pulmozyme® Inhalation Solution, are some of the drugs that can be administered utilizing jet nebulizers. Then again, jet nebulizers can be hard to utilize on account of their requirement for compressed gas and extra tubing.

Ultrasonic Nebulizer

Ultrasonic nebulizer makes a spray through high-recurrence vibrations. The particles are bigger than with a jet nebulizer. Ultrasonic nebulizers consolidate piezoelectric crystals vibrating at high frequencies (1-3 MHz) to create spray or mist. They are partitioned into two classifications,

  1. Large-volume ultrasonic nebulizers
  2. Small-volume ultrasonic nebulizers

While large-volume ultrasonic nebulizers are most ordinarily used to convey hypertonic saline for sputum enlistment, small-volume ultrasonic nebulizers are utilized for the conveyance of breathed-in prescriptions. Ultrasonic nebulizers have numerous constraints contrasted with jet nebulizers. For example, they have large lingering volumes, an inability to spray thick solutions, and the degradation of heat-sensitive materials. Hence, they ought not to be utilized with suspensions and proteins.

Mesh Nebulizer

In a mesh nebulizer, fluid goes through an extremely fine mesh to frame the spray. This sort of nebulizer puts out the littlest particles. It's additionally the most costly.

Mesh nebulizers deliver fluid or liquid prescriptions through various openings in a cross-section or gap plate to produce spray or mist. As little and versatile nebulizers that are controlled by one or the other battery or power, they have quiet activity, short treatment times, in-wrinkled yield productivity, and negligible remaining volume.

The benefits of mesh nebulizers incorporate reliable and further developed effectiveness, a dominatingly fine-particle portion venturing into the peripheral lung, low remaining volume, and the capacity to nebulize in low medication volumes. The size of the pore, the spray chamber, and the reservoir, just as the yield pace of mesh nebulizers, can be adapted to various medications to advance aerosol drug delivery to patients.

Parts Of Nebulizers

There are bunches of models of nebulizers out there, and everyone is somewhat not the same as others. There are the following general parts that make the Nebulizers system work:

Nebulizer Compressor

The nebulizer compressor is the foundation of the framework. It siphons air into the prescription cup to make breathable fog.

Nebulizer Cup

This is the repository where the estimated fluid drug goes.

Mouth Piece/Mask

This is the opening through which the mist is breathed in. Most nebulizers set accompany mouthpieces, yet covers are accessible for individuals who think that they are more comfortable or who have upset folding their lips over the mouthpiece.


The tubing conveys air from the compressor to the medication cup.

Tubing Connector

These associate the tubing with the compressor and nebulizer cup.

Commonly Utilized drugs With Nebulizers

There are various kinds of prescribed asthma drugs that can be utilized with a nebulizer. These incorporate:

  • Quick-relief asthma drugs: They are utilized to reduce the inflammation of bronchial airways and the overproduction of sputum or mucus.
  • Long-term control meds/preventive asthma drugs: They assist with overseeing manifestations on an everyday basis.

Instructions To Utilize A Nebulizer

To utilize the nebulizer treatment, there are the following advances:

  1. Place the compressor on a solid, level table. Join one finish of the tubing to the compressor.
  2. Attach the opposite finish of the tubing to the lower part of the nebulizer cup.
  3. Attach the mouthpiece and fill the little nebulizer cup with the medicine your medical care supplier has recommended for your kid.
  4. Turn on the compressor and ensure mist or spray is coming from the nebulizer cup.
  5. Have your youngster sit upright. Put the mouthpiece into her mouth behind her teeth. She ought to inhale regularly through her mouth until the entire drug is no more. During the treatment urge your youngster to take a full breath. Every treatment should take 5-10 minutes.
  6. If your youngster is utilizing a cover, join the veil to the nebulizer cup and spot the veil over the kid's mouth and nose. Have him inhale ordinarily through his mouth. Keep your youngster quiet with a video, puzzle, or game while taking his nebulizer treatment.

The Most Effective Method To Clean A Nebulizer

  1. Make sure to follow the cleaning, sterilization, and capacity directions that accompanied your nebulizer system. You can likewise utilize the accompanying tips:
  2. After each utilization, rinse off or wash the nebulizer cup and mouthpiece with warm water and let it air dry.
  3. Once each day, you might add a gentle dish cleanser to the cleaning routine above.
  4. You can guarantee every one of the parts is dry by running air through the machine for around 20 seconds.
  5. Take the nebulizer separated and keep it in a secured region until you use it once more.
  6. Once or twice every week, you might absorb the cup and mouthpiece in 1 section of vinegar, and 2 sections of warm water solution.
  7. Keep an additional nebulizer cup and mouthpiece or cover helpful on the off chance that you need them.
  8. You will likewise have to change the filter. The directions that accompany your nebulizer will let you know when you should change the filter.  

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