Do You Know What Type Of Arthritis You Have?

Ten Most Common Types Of Arthritis

Do You Know What Type Of Arthritis You Have?
Do You Know What Type Of Arthritis You Have?


Arthritis is characterized as an inflammatory disease of joints. The most common symptoms of arthritis include solidness, stiffness, pain, and agony in joints that aggravates with age. There are more than 200 kinds of arthritis. The pain influences joints as well as the tissues around joints. Joint pain is reported in around 30% of grown-ups. It is one of the most common medical ailments.

Common Types Of Arthritis

Here, we'll discuss the most common types of arthritis.


Osteoarthritis (OA) is a persistent, reformist condition, fundamentally influencing ladies, that causes loss of articular cartilage in the hands, knees, hips, and cervical and lumbar spine. OA causes significant pain and functional disability and increases costs to our healthcare systems.

Osteoarthritis is a complex and chronic disease including bone, ligament, and synovium. It is the most common sort of all rheumatological disease. It is a degenerative illness of joints. Individuals beyond 65 years old years are at higher danger of developing osteoarthritis. The risk of developing osteoarthritis increases with increasing age. Different variables are liable for the development of osteoarthritis like hereditary predisposition, local inflammation, mechanical forces, and joint integrity.

Osteoarthritis influences joints as well as the tissues around joints. It is because of the breakdown and deterioration in the ligament and new bones. In osteoarthritis, the space between joints becomes tight. It is likewise because of the disintegration of the specific ligament. Its indications incorporate outrageous torment and development impediments. It is common in both genders and more seasoned ages. In this sort of joint pain, the Rh factor is negative.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid joint pain is the most widely recognized inflammatory arthritis. It influences joints alongside a wide scope of extra-articular organs. Individuals with rheumatoid arthritis are at higher danger of developing other genuine infections. It is an autoimmune disease. In this illness, your immune system assaults the sound body organs and results in rheumatoid arthritis. It, for the most part, assaults joints yet in addition impacts veins, lungs, muscles, and heart.

Its indications incorporate exhaustion, torment, movement limitations, and discomfort. It is generally normal in females of youthful age. In this sort of joint inflammation, the Rh factor is negative. The risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis increases with expanding age. Females are at a few times higher risk for developing rheumatoid arthritis than males. Whenever left untreated, then, at that point, it can cause joint distortion and expanded mortality and morbidity. If you want to study rheumatoid arthritis in detail, click on the given link Rheumatoid Arthritis

Ankylosing spondylitis (AS)

Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) and different sorts are immune system conditions that assault where ligaments and tendons append to your bone. Indications incorporate torment, stiffness, and solidness, particularly in your lower back.

Your spine will probably be influenced the most, AS is the most well-known of these conditions. It for the most part influences fundamentally the spine and pelvis however can influence different joints in the body.

Other spondyloarthropathies can assault fringe joints, like those in your grasp and feet. In AS, the bone combination might happen, distorting your spine and brokenness of your shoulders and hips.

Ankylosing spondylitis is innate. A great many people who create AS have the HLA-B27 quality. You're bound to have this quality if you have AS. It's additionally more normal in men than in ladies.

Gouty Arthritis

Gout is a metabolic issue that irritates joints achieving startling and outrageous desolation, agony, and expansion. It is a by and large normal sort of arthritis. The joints in the big toe are fundamentally impacted by gout. It normally impacts one joint at one time but chronic arthritis can impact more than one joint at the same time. It happens because of the deposition of monosodium urate crystals in the joints and soft tissues.

Gout normally presents as a monoarthritis in the first metatarsophalangeal joint (big toe) of the foot and is consistently implied as podagra (from the Greek 'clutching the foot'). The subsequent attacks may be polyarticular.

Other for the most part impacted joints consolidate the midfoot, lower leg, knee, wrist, and finger joints. Though the attack is amazingly difficult, it is ordinarily self-limiting, settling surprisingly in 1-14 days.

It is conceivably the most generally perceived kind of provocative joint ailment in men more conspicuous than 40 years of age. Men are more inclined to the advancement of gout than women. In any case, women after menopause are also at higher risk for developing gout. People with hypertension, kidney infections, thyroid diseases, diabetes, or sleep apnea are in like manner at higher peril for causing gout. There is no treatment for gout aside from you can sufficiently administering it with explicit drugs and way-of-life adjustments.

Acute gouty assaults are soothed all alone by taking appropriate rest, ice, and taking one of the going with pharmacological medications like NSAIDs, colchicine, or corticosteroids. A couple of patients may exactly anytime experience one assault yet habitually an ensuing assault occurs within 6 a year, with an extended risk of coming about attacks. Patients with repetitive assaults require long-term prophylaxis with drugs that cut down the serum urate level.

Psoriatic Arthritis

Psoriatic arthritis is a persistent type of arthritis described by the aggravation of skin (psoriasis) and joints. Psoriasis is a persistent inflammatory issue of the skin and joints. This outcome in patches of thick red skin is called plaques. These patches covered with brilliant scales ordinarily happen on the legs, knees, elbows, scalp, face, palms, lower back, nails, and bottoms of feet. The word psoriasis is gotten from the Greek word psora which implies tingling. It is a persevering, normal, and long-term skin issue. Joint inflammation is characterized as irritation of joints.

It causes stiffness and torment in joints which increment with age. Arthritis influences joints as well as the tissues around joints. Psoriatic arthritis is more normal in individuals between 30 to 50 years old. Both men and women are similarly influenced by psoriatic arthritis. The side effects of psoriatic arthritis incorporate firm, difficult joints with redness, warmth, aggravation in the encompassing tissues, nail changes, and dactylitis. It is extremely challenging to recognize psoriatic arthritis and different types of joint inflammation especially when skin changes are negligible.

Reactive Arthritis

Reactive arthritis is characterized as the aggravation of joints set off by disease in one more part or organ of your body especially the digestive system and urinary tract. This disease can be bacterial or viral. It causes joint torment and firmness or irritation of the eyes, skin, and urethra. The knee and lower legs are the most usually influenced joints in reactive arthritis. It can likewise influence your heels, lower back, or bum. It is a rare ailment.

It is an auto-immune disease where your immune system assaults healthy cells and tissues and causes aggravation. This assault is set off by contamination. It is more normal in males when contrasted with females. It can influence individuals of all ages, however, especially between the ages of 20-40 years. Individuals with HIV infection are at higher danger of developing reactive arthritis. It's anything but an infectious sickness. It is a sub-sort of spondyloarthritis. It is a time ago named Reiter's disorder.

Enteropathic Arthritis

Enteropathic arthritis is the most well-known sort of inflammatory arthritis. It is related to the advancement of inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), ulcerative colitis, and Crohn's sickness. Ulcerative colitis and Crohn's infection can cause enteropathic joint pain in one out of five individuals. Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) cause persistent irritation of the gastrointestinal tract. In ulcerative colitis, the colon lining is aroused while Crohn's illness causes the irritation of various spaces of the gastrointestinal system in various people groups.

The term enteropathic alludes to the digestive system. It is a persistent type of arthritis. The irritation of joints spreads all through your body in enteropathic arthritis. The specific reason for enteropathic arthritis is as yet unclear. Its indications incorporate fatigue, torment, movement limitations, and discomfort. There are two principal forms of enteropathic joint pain, peripheral and axial. It is a subtype of seronegative spondyloarthritis.

Juvenile Arthritis

Juvenile arthritis alludes to a group of conditions that irritates joints in youngsters under 16 years old. It is the most common type of joint inflammation in youngsters. It influences joints as well as the tissues around joints. It is otherwise called juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. It's anything but an uncommon illness and the pervasiveness of infection is expanding step by step. It is more common in young ladies when contrasted with young men.

The specific reason for juvenile arthritis is obscure however your immune system and hereditary predisposition assume a significant part in the development of illness. It is an auto-immune disease which means that your immune system attacks healthy cells and tissues and causes aggravation. The most widely recognized indications of juvenile arthritis incorporate joint torment, irritation, inflammation, swelling, warmth, and redness of joints. The indications continue for something like a month and a half.

Infectious Arthritis

Infectious arthritis, likewise called septic arthritis, is an excruciating disease in the joint. It can happen when a disease from another body organ or part spreads to a joint or the liquid encompassing the joint. Disease-causing microorganisms may likewise enter the body during a medical procedure or through serious injuries or an infusion. Infectious arthritis as a rule happens in just one joint.

Most instances of infectious arthritis are brought about by microbes. The most widely recognized of these microbes is Staphylococcus aureus (staph), a bacterium that lives on sound skin. Infectious arthritis can likewise be brought about by an infection or an organism.

As a rule, infectious arthritis develops when contamination elsewhere in the body ventures out through the circulation system to the joint. Less usually, the infection enters the joint straightforwardly through a stabbing or a medical procedure on or close to the joint. It is a type of inflammatory disorder. Its symptoms include fever, chills, rash, pain, redness, and stiffness in joints. Suppurative is an example of infectious arthritis.

Non-Infectious Arthritis

Noninfectious arthritis is among the most well-known musculoskeletal issues influencing the older. The subsequent loss of versatility and actual freedom can be especially destructive. The clinical and radiological show of late-onset arthritis might contrast essentially with early-stage arthritis. Alternately, long-term arthritis which started a very long while prior might be related to specific inconveniences.

It is the most normal sort of arthritis. Loss of movement and physical reliance are the results of this sickness. Ankylosing spondylitis is an illustration of non-infectious arthritis. 

FAQs About Arthritis

What is Osteoarthritis (OA)?

The most prevalent kind of arthritis, a chronic joint disease, is osteoarthritis (OA). It happens when the protecting cartilage that cushions the ends of the joint gradually wears off. In turn, afflicted joints experience discomfort, stiffness, and decreased motion. Weight-bearing joints including the knees, hips, hands, and spine are usually affected by OA.

Obesity, genetics, joint overuse injuries, and age are typical risk factors for OA. Joint discomfort, swelling, and difficulty moving the afflicted joint are common symptoms. Although there is no known treatment for OA, its symptoms can be controlled. Painkillers, physical therapy, dietary modifications, and, in extreme circumstances, surgery are all possible forms of treatment.

What is Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)?

The joints are mostly impacted by rheumatoid arthritis (RA), a chronic inflammatory disease. RA develops as a result of the body's immune system mistakenly targeting the synovium, the lining of the membranes that surround the joints, in contrast to osteoarthritis, which results through wear and tear. If this immunological reaction is left untreated, in addition to producing edema, inflammation, and discomfort, it may eventually harm and deform joints. The heart, lungs, and blood vessels are just a few of the major bodily organs that RA can harm in addition to the joints.

What are the common symptoms of arthritis?

Depending on the kind, arthritis symptoms can vary, but common ones include joint pain, stiffness, swelling, and a limited range of motion. Fatigue, fever, or skin rashes are additional symptoms of some forms of arthritis.

Is there a cure for arthritis?

There is no cure for most types of arthritis. However, various treatments and interventions are available to manage symptoms, reduce inflammation, and improve joint function. These may include medications, physical therapy, lifestyle changes, and in some cases, surgical procedures.

Can arthritis be prevented?

Even though arthritis is not always preventable, there are precautions people may take to lower their risk or postpone the beginning of symptoms. A decreased chance of getting arthritis or less severe symptoms can be attained by maintaining a healthy weight, being physically active, preserving joints from harm, and addressing underlying medical disorders.

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